First Aid


Medical camps

Street children are often exposed to violence, abuse, and exploitation. They may also live in unsanitary conditions, which can lead to health problems. As a result, street children are more likely to suffer from injuries, illnesses, and diseases than other children.

TRU’s medical team provides first aid and medical support to street children. They treat minor ailments and injuries, and they also refer children with more serious health problems to hospitals. TRU works closely with hospitals to ensure that street children have access to the care they need.

TRU’s medical care is essential for the health and well-being of street children. It helps to prevent illnesses and diseases, and it also provides a much-needed sense of security and hope.

In addition to providing medical care, TRU also works to help street children get back on their feet. They provide education, job training, and other support services. TRU’s goal is to help street children become productive members of society.

If you would like to help TRU International provide medical care to street children in Kenya, please donate today. Your donation will make a difference in the lives of these vulnerable children.

How You Can Help?

  • Donate to TRU International’s medical care fund.
  • Volunteer your time to help with TRU’s medical outreach programs.
  • Spread the word about TRU International and its work.

Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support!

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